Britney Spears VIP Packages Sell Out in L.A. and Vegas

Britney Spears may be catching some flack here and there for her lackluster promotional appearances behind her new album, Femme Fatale, but people are still stoked about her upcoming tour with Nicki Minaj.

Despite the $999.50 price tag, front row VIP packages for the Los Angeles and Las Vegas shows have sold out. People are willing to shell out the big bucks to see Nicki Minaj's famous lapdances up close!

According to the Ticketmaster website, Britney's front row packages include pre-show hospitality, an autographed tour book, an "exclusive merchandise item," a collectible laminate and a crowd-free merchandise booth, where available. So you can spend more money on Britney items without having to wait in line.


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