Actress Freida Pinto was completely stripped off her Indian actress image after she started appearing with some A-level Hollywood stars on screen. Pinto took a giant leap after Slumdog Millionaire, when she appeared in the Woody Allen directed You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger opposite Antonio Banderas. The actress is currently working in a fantasy action movie Immortals opposite Henry Cavill. Pinto recently completed her first on screen sex scene.
The scene, filmed under director Tarsem Singh, saw Pinto stripping off her loose bright red robe and indulging in some steamy action with Cavill. The scenes also captured Pinto without the robe from the back. Commenting on the scene, director Singh said that Pinto was very comfortable performing the scene, which made it quite easy for the crew to film. Immortals is releasing this November.
The scene, filmed under director Tarsem Singh, saw Pinto stripping off her loose bright red robe and indulging in some steamy action with Cavill. The scenes also captured Pinto without the robe from the back. Commenting on the scene, director Singh said that Pinto was very comfortable performing the scene, which made it quite easy for the crew to film. Immortals is releasing this November.
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